2D Games


Doppelgängers is a story-based puzzle-platformer game developed in 72 hours for Magara Jam #4.

Ranked #2 in Magara Jam #4!
Special Jury Awards
Batuhan “Videoyun” Bozkan – “Most Mind-Blowing Game”
İsmail Özgül – “Most Compelling Game”

The first jam game for everyone on the team.
Your comments are very precious to us, thank you. 🙂

Escaping Slime

Escaping Slime is a puzzle-runner game made for IZTECH HyperJam22 in 36 hours. Ranked #1 in IZTECH HyperJam22′

3D Games


Destroy the enemies you encounter with your vehicle.
As you destroy the enemies, improve your vehicle and become stronger!


The first game I developed. Since it’s my first game, it might be a little buggy and problematic, but it’s playable! It is a game in which we kill the enemies that come at us with our weapons, get on the vehicles outside and kill the enemies with the weapons of some vehicles.

Windows Form Games

Advanced Number Guess Game

An open source project. Advanced Number Guess Game is an advanced version of the simple number guessing game.
